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Luxembourg Company Formation: Your Guide To Starting A Business In The Heart Of Europe

Luxembourg offers a multi dimensional platform for individuals and corporations looking to establish a foothold in the European market. Known for its political stability, strategic location at the heart of Europe, and business-friendly environment, the process of forming a company in Luxembourg is streamlined to support economic growth. The Grand Duchy is especially attractive to entrepreneurs and investors due to its flexible regulatory system and competitive fiscal policies.

Setting up a company in Luxembourg requires adhering to a clear set of steps, starting from choosing the appropriate type of business entity to navigating the regulatory and legal landscape. The country's commitment to economic innovation is evident in its support mechanisms for new businesses, including dynamic banking and financial services.

See why we at Offshore Protection advise our clients to chose Luxembourg for their business by reading below or get in touch and we will give you a one on one to explore of Luxembourg is for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Luxembourg provides a politically stable environment with a flexible and business-oriented regulatory system.
  • The country's tax framework and financial services are tailored to support both local and international business operations.
  • A systematic incorporation process and supportive business ecosystem make Luxembourg a prime location for company formation.

Types of Business Entities in Luxembourg

Luxembourg offers a versatile array of business entities, each catering to varying business needs and objectives, with specific structures providing certain legal and financial benefits.

Public Limited Liability Company (SA / S.A.)

The Public Limited Liability Company (Société Anonyme - SA) in Luxembourg is designed for large businesses and is characterized by its ability to raise capital through public stock offerings. The shareholders of an SA have limited liability up to the amount they contribute. This corporate structure necessitates at least one director and a minimum share capital of €30,000.

Private Limited Liability Company (SARL)

A Private Limited Liability Company (Société à Responsabilité Limitée - SARL) suits small to medium-sized enterprises. Shareholders’ liability is also limited to their contributions. SARLs require less capital to set up compared to an SA, with the minimum share capital typically around €12,000.

Limited Partnership (LP)

Limited Partnerships (LPs), referred to as Société en Commandite Simple (SCS) in Luxembourg, are constituted between one or more general partners with unlimited liability and one or more limited partners with liability up to their contribution. LPs are often chosen for their simpler structure and the absence of minimum capital requirements.

Special Limited Partnership (SLP)

The Special Limited Partnership (SLP), or Société en Commandite Spéciale (SCSp), is a flexible, contractual-based investment vehicle with no legal personality, which is often used for private equity or venture capital structures. It allows general partners to manage the company while limited partners contribute capital and enjoy limited liability.

Société Anonyme (Joint Stock Company)

A Société Anonyme (SA), also known as a Joint Stock Company, is suited for large-scale business ventures. Its capital is divided into shares that are freely transferable unless otherwise stipulated. The SA provides a structured framework for governance with a board of directors and a supervisory board, making it a prime choice for businesses planning to issue stock or attract large investments.

The Incorporation Process

The process of company formation in Luxembourg is structured and requires attention to legal and financial details. Here's a step-by-step guide for incorporating a company, which includes selecting a unique company name, preparing critical documents, fulfilling capital requirements, setting up a corporate bank account, and registering with the appropriate authorities.

Company Name Registration

Before starting the incorporation process, one must ensure that the chosen company name is unique and not already in use. The selection of the company name is a vital step, and it must be checked with and approved by the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register to avoid duplication and trademark issues.

Preparation of Articles of Association

The Articles of Association serve as the foundational legal document of a Luxembourg company. They outline the company’s business activities, governance rules, and shareholder rights. These documents, including the incorporation deed, need to be drafted and notarized by a Luxembourg notary. Electronic signatures are acceptable for signing the documents, provided they comply with Luxembourg’s regulations.

Share Capital Requirements

A minimum share capital is mandated depending on the type of company:

  • For a Private Limited Company (Société à responsabilité limitée or SARL): The minimum share capital is EUR 12,000.
  • Public Limited Companies (Société Anonyme or SA) and European Companies (Societas Europaea or SE) have higher minimum share capital requirements.

This capital must be fully subscribed and deposited during the incorporation process.

Bank Account Setup

Establishing a corporate bank account is compulsory. The company's initial share capital must be deposited into a Luxembourg bank account, which is subsequently blocked until the completion of the registration with the Trade and Companies Register. The bank will issue a deposit certificate that is required for company registration.

Registration with the Trade Register

Finally, to formalize the incorporation, the company must be registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register. Documentation needed for this step includes the notarized articles of association, the bank’s deposit certificate, and proof of a registered address in Luxembourg. Post registration, the company's details are published in the Luxembourg Official Gazette, completing the incorporation process.

Regulatory and Legal Framework

Luxembourg's regulatory and legal framework for company formation is characterized by strict adherence to international standards, particularly in the areas of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), taxation, and corporate governance. Entities are directly supervised and must comply with a sophisticated set of laws designed to maintain Luxembourg's reputation as a premier global financial center.


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Regulatory Environment

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg provides a robust regulatory environment, with entities operating within its jurisdiction required to follow comprehensive legal frameworks. Companies, especially those with shares listed on a regulated market defined by Directive 2004/39/EC, are subject to stringent governance requirements. The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) plays a pivotal role as the regulator ensuring legal entities adhere to these standards.

  • Legal entities: Subject to a detailed corporate governance framework
  • Listed companies: Follow standards as per the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
  • CSSF Supervision: Ensures compliance and adherence to legal frameworks

Compliance with AML Regulations

AML compliance is critical for all professional service providers (PSFs) in Luxembourg. They are obligated to:

  • Cooperate with Luxembourg authorities
  • Employ rigorous due diligence procedures
  • Report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing

AML regulations require Legal Representatives, Managers, and Employees to actively participate in the identification and prevention of financial crimes.

  • Legal obligation: Art. 40 of the Law and Art. 5 of the modified law of 12 November 2004
  • Duty to report: Suspicious activities must be communicated to the authorities

Tax Legislation

Luxembourg's tax legislation is designed to support economic development while ensuring fair taxation practices. Entities in Luxembourg are subject to corporate tax rates that are competitive within the European Union context.

  • Corporate Tax: Companies are taxed on their revenue, with rates considering the magnitude of income
  • Taxation: Compliance with international standards and double taxation treaties

Each legal entity must navigate tax legislation, which includes specific provisions based on the type of entity and its activities. It is imperative for companies to understand their liability and adhere to the tax regulations to ensure good standing.

  • Liability: Legal entities are liable for accurate tax reporting and payment
  • Tax Rate: Determined based on entity's taxable income and size

Entities should seek professional advice to navigate the complex regulations and comply effectively with Luxembourg’s tax laws.

Tax Considerations for Businesses

When establishing a business in Luxembourg, investors must comprehend the country's tax structure, including corporate tax rates, VAT implications, wealth tax, and other levies, as well as how double tax treaties could influence their operations.

Understanding Corporate Tax Rates

Luxembourg's corporate tax rate structure is progressive, and businesses need to understand how to apply these rates effectively. As of 2023, the combined Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and Municipal Business Tax (MBT) rate for a company established in Luxembourg City stands at 24.94%. The MBT rate varies by municipality; for instance, in 2023, Luxembourg-City had a rate of 6.75%.

Value-Added Tax (VAT) Implications

Businesses operating in Luxembourg are subject to VAT, which adds a layer of consideration for pricing and accounting. The standard VAT rate is 17%, one of the Europe's lowest, offering a favorable environment for businesses. Companies must obtain a VAT number to handle these obligations correctly, and it is essential for them to file periodic VAT returns.

Wealth Tax and Other Levies

Luxembourg does not impose a wealth tax on companies, which might be an attractive feature for entrepreneurs and investors. However, other levies and taxes may apply depending on the specific circumstances and structure of the business, making it advisable to seek tax advice from a professional familiar with Luxembourg's tax regulations.

Double Tax Treaties

Luxembourg has a robust network of double tax treaties with numerous countries, allowing for tax relief in case the same income is taxable in two jurisdictions. These treaties are crucial for international businesses, as they can significantly impact how an enterprise is taxed and aim to prevent the double taxation of income.

Businesses should always consider the specificities of Luxembourg's tax regulations in their planning and operations. Consulting with tax professionals is recommended to ensure compliance and optimize their tax position.

Banking and Financial Services

Luxembourg's strategic position in the heart of Europe makes it a prime location for companies looking to establish robust banking and financial services. The jurisdiction offers advanced banking facilities, attractive financial incentives, and comprehensive services in accounting and payroll, essential for the smooth operation of any business.

Opening Corporate Bank Accounts

When forming a company in Luxembourg, opening a corporate bank account is a fundamental step. Businesses must consider:

  • Eligibility: Both resident and non-resident company founders can open corporate bank accounts in Luxembourg.
  • Documentation: Typical requirements include proof of company registration, identification documents of company officers, and company bylaws.
  • Due Diligence: Banks in Luxembourg are known for their stringent due diligence processes to comply with international banking regulations.

Financial Incentives

Luxembourg provides several financial incentives to newly established and existing companies:

  • Tax Advantages: Companies benefit from a 0% withholding tax rate on interest and royalties paid to non-resident companies.
  • Investment Grants: These may be available for certain business activities, enhancing the financial attractiveness of Luxembourg for company formation.

Accounting and Payroll Services

Maintaining proper financial records is crucial, and Luxembourg offers a range of services to assist companies:

  • Accounting: Companies must adhere to Luxembourg accounting standards, which may require the assistance of local accounting service providers.
  • Payroll Services: These services ensure compliant employee benefits and compensation, as per Luxembourg labor laws and regulations.

The landscape for banking and financial services in Luxembourg continues to be favorable for businesses, largely due to the country's position as a leading financial center and its commitment to providing a conducive environment for corporate growth.

Investor Insights

Luxembourg stands as a beacon for global investment, offering a strategic gateway to European markets and an impressive array of financial benefits. The nation's forward-thinking financial policies continue to make it a top choice for discerning investors.

Attraction for International Investors

Luxembourg's business-friendly environment has garnered significant interest from international investors. The country's political and economic stability, combined with its sophisticated financial infrastructure, makes it an attractive destination. International investors benefit from the country's membership in the European Union, allowing easy access to a single market of over 500 million consumers. Additionally, Luxembourg's multilingual workforce is well-educated and adept in the needs of a global business, appealing to foreign investors looking for a knowledgeable and adaptable talent pool.

Investment Opportunities

Investment opportunities in Luxembourg are diverse, with the financial sector being particularly prominent. About 60% of Luxembourg's total financial activity stems from international sources, making it a hub for cross-border investments. Here are some key areas where Luxembourg excels:

  • Financial Services: A large concentration of banks, investment funds, and insurance companies.
  • Private Equity and Venture Capital: Attractive for startups and growth-stage companies.
  • Real Estate and Infrastructure: Active markets with opportunities for sound investment returns.

Luxembourg also offers the prospect to list bonds on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, which opens doors to an extensive range of funding options.

Financial Privacy and Confidentiality

Financial privacy is a cornerstone in Luxembourg's appeal to investors. The jurisdiction is known for its strict bank secrecy laws, which protect the confidentiality of investor activities. However, it is important to note that while privacy is maintained, Luxembourg complies with international regulatory standards and obligations regarding transparency and the exchange of information for tax purposes. This ensures that financial privacy does not equate to opacity and that the integrity of investors' dealings is upheld.

Luxembourg maintains a delicate balance, offering an environment where investors' confidentiality is protected, yet transparency is not compromised. This dual commitment underlines Luxembourg's reputation as a reliable and secure financial center.


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Operational Aspects of Company Formation

When forming a company in Luxembourg, certain practical administrative aspects call for meticulous attention. Directors and shareholders have to comply with specific requirements, office and infrastructure necessitate strategic setup, and adherence to precise financial reporting regulations is imperative.

Director and Shareholder Requirements

In Luxembourg, company formation requires at least one director and one shareholder. The shareholder can be an individual or a corporate entity, with no restrictions on nationality. A Private Limited Liability Company (Société à responsabilité limitée or SARL) mandates a minimum of one shareholder, whereas a Public Limited Company (Société Anonyme or SA) necessitates at minimum one shareholder. For both these entities:

  • Director: Minimum of one, no nationality/residency constraints for SARL; SA may have different requirements.
  • Shareholder: At least one; SARL and SA allow corporate entities as shareholders.

Office and Infrastructure Setup

Setting up an office in Luxembourg involves several stages, beginning with selecting a Registered Office, which serves as the legal address of the company. Companies have the choice of a traditional brick-and-mortar office or opting for a Virtual Office. Essential aspects of infrastructure setup include:

  • Traditional Office: Must comply with zoning regulations; may require lease agreements.
  • Virtual Office: Offers a business address without a physical office space.

Annual Financial Reporting

Luxembourg law mandates that companies prepare and submit an Annual Financial Statement. The requirements can vary depending on the company's size and turnover but generally include a balance sheet, profit and loss account, and notes to the accounts. For transparency and compliance:

  • SARL: Must file financial statements annually with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register.
  • SA and SCA (Partnership limited by shares): Greater disclosure requirements, including statutory audits.

Business Environment in Luxembourg

Luxembourg's economy is characterized by stability, growth, and a forward-looking approach to business. This makes it an attractive destination for company formation, benefiting from a supportive infrastructure and a low-tax environment conducive to both traditional and e-commerce businesses.

Economic Stability and Growth

Luxembourg's economy exhibits robust economic health, with consistently high GDP figures. It's known for its low unemployment rates and a well-developed financial sector. The country has managed to maintain economic stability, which instills confidence in both local and foreign investors. Additionally, its strategic position within the European Union offers businesses significant advantages in terms of market access.

Supportive Business Infrastructure

The infrastructure in Luxembourg is conducive to business activities, with advanced logistics and communication networks supporting both traditional and e-commerce channels. They have a progressive legal framework that upholds the principles of free trade and competition, further supported by government policies that encourage innovation and investment.

Innovative and Adaptive Market

Luxembourg is recognized for its adaptive approach to market changes and technological advancements, fostering an environment where businesses can thrive in fields such as fintech and e-commerce. The country actively promotes a low-tax environment, which is deemed appealing for businesses, while ensuring compliance with international standards. The spirit of innovation is embodied in a workforce skilled in multiple languages and adaptive to new industry trends.

International Considerations

In the context of Luxembourg company formation, international considerations play a pivotal role in strategic planning due to the nation's favorable regulatory frameworks and its position within the European Union.

Cross-Border Transactions and Structures

Luxembourg's strong legal and regulatory environment makes it a hub for international cross-border transactions. Companies benefit from the country's network of double tax treaties and its participation in key EU directives that simplify the tax implications of cross-border operations. Corporate structuring in Luxembourg is often designed to optimize fiscal efficiency across different jurisdictions.

  • Regulatory Framework: Luxembourg provides a stable environment for structuring cross-border transactions that comply with both local and international regulations.
  • Taxation: Techniques such as transfer pricing strategies and intellectual property management are in place to ensure tax-efficient cross-border activities.

EU Member State Advantages

Being part of the EU, Luxembourg offers multiple advantages for entities operating on an international scale.

  • Market Access: Companies in Luxembourg enjoy unfettered access to the EU’s single market, which includes free movement of goods, capital, services, and labor.
  • Eurozone Participation: As a Eurozone country, Luxembourg benefits from using the euro, eliminating currency risk within the Eurozone.

Regulatory Alignment with EU standards ensures that businesses can operate smoothly across member states with reduced bureaucratic hurdles.

International Business Structuring

Luxembourg stands out as a strategic location for international business structuring. Multinational corporations often establish their presence in Luxembourg to serve as a holding or finance company, leveraging the jurisdiction's sophisticated legal and tax arrangements.

  1. Holding Company Regime: Known as Sociétés de Participations Financières (SOPARFIs), these entities benefit from tax exemptions on dividends and capital gains, under certain conditions.
  2. Specialized Investment Funds: These vehicles attract global investors looking to pool their resources in a regulated, yet flexible, fiscal environment.

By carefully structuring their international business in Luxembourg, companies can execute efficient investment strategies and maintain competitive global operations.


Luxembourg, a prominent jurisdiction in Western Europe, offers a strategic gateway to the European Union for businesses that opt for company formation within its borders. Service providers specializing in Luxembourg company formation offer comprehensive guidance through the intricate incorporation process. A Luxembourg company benefits from the nation's political stability and its reputation as an internationally recognized financial center.

Incorporation procedures necessitate a methodical approach. The standard first step involves depositing the minimum share capital—typically EUR 12,000 for a private limited liability company (S.à r.l.)—in a Luxembourg bank account, where it is blocked until the corporation is fully registered.

Key considerations for Luxembourg Company Formation include:

  • The corporate tax rate in Luxembourg, including communal business tax, can vary but is competitive within the region.
  • The nation boasts a robust banking industry and a high quality of living, enhancing its appeal for international investors and their workforce.
  • Regulations ensure that companies follow a set framework, maximizing both compliance and operational efficiencies.

Entities undertaking Luxembourg incorporation should carefully plan and consult with local experts to ensure successful establishment and operation. Luxembourg's stable economic environment and its strategic position within the EU make it a location of choice for businesses seeking expansion into the European market.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, readers will find concise responses to some of the key questions regarding company formation in Luxembourg, detailing the steps for non-residents, associated costs, registration procedures, certification, benefits, and tax information.

What is the process for starting a business in Luxembourg as a non-resident?

A non-resident aiming to start a business in Luxembourg must first choose the appropriate business entity, gather required documentation, and may often do so without physically traveling to the country. This process includes consulting with local specialists to handle legalities and registration steps in compliance with Luxembourgish corporate law.

What are the expenses associated with establishing a company in Luxembourg?

The costs of setting up a company in Luxembourg vary by entity type, with a public limited liability company (S.A.) requiring a minimum share capital of €30,000, of which a quarter must be paid in. Additional expenses might include legal fees, registration costs, and maintenance expenses like office rental and staff.

How do you register a company in Luxembourg?

To register a company in Luxembourg, one must submit the necessary documents to the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register. This typically includes the company's articles of association, proof of share capital deposit, and management structure details, following which a registration certificate can be issued.

Is a certificate of incorporation issued to Luxembourg companies?

Yes, upon registering a company in Luxembourg and fulfilling all legal requirements, the Trade and Companies Register issues a certificate of incorporation, which serves as official proof of the company's legal existence.

What are the advantages of registering a company in Luxembourg?

Registering a company in Luxembourg presents advantages such as a stable political and economic environment, favorable tax regime, and a strategic location within Europe. Companies also benefit from access to a multilingual workforce and the possibility of state aid in research and development activities.

What is the corporate tax rate for companies operating in Luxembourg?

The corporate tax rate for companies operating in Luxembourg is progressive and varies depending on the taxable income, with a rate of 17% applicable to companies whose taxable income exceeds €200,000, in addition to a municipal business tax and a contribution to the employment fund.

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***Please Note: If you are a resident of a country that is a signatory of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) (or a US citizen) your tax reduction possibilities are limited. Due FATCA, CRS, and CFC laws you may not be able to completely eliminate your taxes without moving your residence. While opening an offshore company can increase privacy and asset protection, your tax obligations remans tied to your ownership of overseas entities. Offshore company's are often not taxed in the country where they are incorporated, rather you as the owner are obligated to pay taxes in the country where you reside. Please make sure you know your tax obligations, as we are not tax advisors. Please seek a local tax professional for help regarding your situation. 

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