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Hong Kong Trust: Key Benefits and Legal Framework

Hong Kong Trust: Key Benefits and Legal Framework
Last updated on 30 July 2024. Written by Offshore Protection.

Hong Kong trusts offer a distinct combination of benefits for individuals seeking asset protection, capital growth, and legacy planning. Leveraging the strong legal foundation inherited from English law, Hong Kong has modernized its trust framework, ensuring permanency without an expiry date, unlike other common law jurisdictions. This unique quality provides a high level of asset safety and stability for long-term planning.

Since the 2013 amendment to Hong Kong Trust Law, establishing a trust has become more attractive for both locals and international investors. The city's status as an international financial center, paired with its stable legal environment, makes it a preferred jurisdiction for trust services. Trusts in Hong Kong can be formed with the intent to recognize foreign ownership, protect assets from creditors, and facilitate swift inheritance processes.

Professionals from various sectors, including banking, insurance, and law, collaborate through organizations like the Hong Kong Fiduciary Association Limited to uphold and enhance the trust industry. Their expertise and the solid legal framework position Hong Kong as a leading destination for setting up and managing trusts.

Key Takeaways

  • Hong Kong trusts offer permanent asset protection.
  • Modern legal frameworks and financial expertise position Hong Kong favorably.
  • Trusts in Hong Kong facilitate foreign ownership and quick inheritance.

History of Hong Kong Trust Law

The history of trust law in Hong Kong has seen significant changes, starting from its early adoption and development to recent amendments that modernized the system. Influences from English trust law have played a crucial role in shaping the legal landscape.

Early Developments

Trust law in Hong Kong originates from its time as a British colony. The first formal regulations were introduced in the early 20th century. These laws were heavily based on English trust principles. The Trustee Ordinance, first enacted in 1934, laid down the basic framework for trust administration.

The initial laws aimed to provide a reliable and equitable system for managing and protecting assets. They covered aspects such as trustee duties, powers, and liabilities. The ordinance built a solid foundation, ensuring that trusts could be effectively established and managed.

Recent Amendments

In recent years, Hong Kong's trust law has undergone substantial changes. The most significant revision came with the Trust Law (Amendment) Bill 2013. This bill made the legal framework more contemporary and competitive. One of the key changes was allowing settlors to reserve certain powers without affecting the trust’s validity.

Revisions also included enhancing the powers of trustees and providing better protection for beneficiaries. These changes were essential to maintaining Hong Kong's status as a leading international financial center. They aimed to attract both local and foreign individuals and entities to use Hong Kong as their trust jurisdiction.

Influence of English Law

Hong Kong's trust law is deeply influenced by English law. Many principles and rules are directly derived from English common law. This influence dates back to the colonial period when English legal practices were introduced.

The adoption of English trust principles helped Hong Kong establish a reputable and coherent legal system. Even after the 1997 handover to China, these principles continue to underpin the local trust law. This adherence to established norms ensures stability and predictability in the management of trusts.


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Legal Framework of Hong Kong Trusts

Hong Kong's trust laws are built on several ordinances that provide a structured approach to establishing, managing, and administering trusts. The main ordinances include the Trustee Ordinance, the Perpetuities and Accumulations Ordinance, and the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

Trustee Ordinance

The Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29) governs the roles and responsibilities of trustees in Hong Kong. This law defines the legal framework for the establishment, administration, and termination of trusts.

Trustees are required to manage trusts in the best interest of the beneficiaries, adhering to the principles of prudence and loyalty. The Ordinance also covers the powers and duties of trustees, including investment powers, delegation of duties, and the right to remuneration.

Changes have been made to modernize the Ordinance, aligning Hong Kong's trust law with international standards. One key amendment involves enhancing the protection of beneficiaries' interests, ensuring a more transparent and accountable trust administration. This helps maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness as a leading trust jurisdiction.

Perpetuities and Accumulations Ordinance

The Perpetuities and Accumulations Ordinance sets rules regarding the duration of trusts and the accumulation of income within them. This Ordinance limits how long a trust can last, typically up to 80 years unless a shorter period is specified.

Trusts must adhere to these rules to prevent long-term control of property by deceased persons, which could hinder the property's effective use. The Ordinance also deals with the "rule against accumulations," preventing income from being accumulated beyond a specified period.

In 2013, reforms were introduced to provide more flexibility, such as allowing settlors to specify different perpetuity periods or opt out of the rule against accumulations for certain trusts. These changes offer greater versatility in trust planning and management.

Inland Revenue Ordinance

The Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) addresses the tax implications of trusts in Hong Kong. Trusts are subject to Hong Kong's taxation regime, and this Ordinance specifies how income generated by trusts is taxed.

Trustees must file tax returns and ensure compliance with tax obligations. The Ordinance distinguishes between different types of income, such as trading income and investment income, applying different tax treatments accordingly.

Hong Kong offers various tax benefits for trusts, such as exemptions for offshore trusts and favorable tax rates for qualifying domestic trusts. These tax incentives make Hong Kong an attractive jurisdiction for establishing trusts, ensuring that trust structures are both effective and efficient from a tax perspective.

Establishing a Trust in Hong Kong

Establishing a trust in Hong Kong involves carefully choosing the type of trust, creating a trust deed, appointing a settlor and trustees, and defining the rights of beneficiaries. Each aspect requires specific actions and documentation.

Types of Trusts

There are several types of trusts that can be established in Hong Kong. Family trusts are commonly used to manage and protect family wealth across generations. Charitable trusts are set up for philanthropic purposes, supporting causes such as education, poverty alleviation, and healthcare.

Discretionary trusts give trustees the flexibility to decide how and when beneficiaries receive assets. Unit trusts pool investors' money into a single fund, managed for the benefit of all unit holders. Each type has specific features and legal implications, making it essential to choose the right one for your needs.

Trust Deed

The trust deed is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the trust. It specifies the roles and responsibilities of the trustee, the powers granted to them, and the rights of the beneficiaries. The trust deed includes details such as the trust's purpose, duration, and how assets will be managed and distributed.

Writing a clear and comprehensive trust deed is crucial. It prevents future disputes and ensures that the settlor's intentions are accurately represented. Legal advice is often sought to draft this document to make sure it complies with Hong Kong laws and regulations.

Role of the Settlor

The settlor is the person who creates the trust by transferring assets to the trustee. In Hong Kong, the settlor's role is pivotal as they determine the trust's purpose and structure. The settlor chooses the trustee, outlines the beneficiaries, and sets the terms of asset management and distribution.

The settlor's decisions shape the effectiveness and longevity of the trust. Once the trust is established, the settlor typically relinquishes control over the assets. This ensures that the trustee can manage the trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries as per the settlor's wishes.

Duties and Powers of Trustees

Trustees have fiduciary duties to manage the trust’s assets prudently and in the best interests of the beneficiaries. They must act impartially and avoid conflicts of interest. Their responsibilities include maintaining accurate records, filing taxes, and administering the trust according to the trust deed.

Trustees in Hong Kong can be individuals or corporate entities. They are granted certain powers, such as investing the trust assets, distributing income, and varying the trust terms under specific circumstances. Mismanagement or breach of trust can lead to legal consequences.

Beneficiaries' Rights

Beneficiaries are the individuals or entities that benefit from the trust. They have rights that ensure transparency and accountability in the trust's administration. Beneficiaries are entitled to information about the trust's assets, income, and expenses. They can also take action against trustees for breaches of duty.

In discretionary trusts, beneficiaries do not have a fixed right to the trust assets but can receive distributions at the trustees' discretion. In fixed trusts, beneficiaries have specific entitlements outlined in the trust deed. Clear communication and regular reporting help in maintaining trust and avoiding disputes.

Tax Considerations for Hong Kong Trusts

Trusts in Hong Kong have specific tax regulations. The following outlines exemptions, filing duties, and international tax impacts.

Tax Exemptions

Hong Kong does not impose capital gains tax on trusts. This means any gains from investments are not taxable. Additionally, dividends from Hong Kong companies received by the trust are not subject to tax.

Trustee fees, however, are taxable income. Trustees should keep accurate records of their fees to ensure compliance. It's also important to note that non-Hong Kong sourced income is not taxable in Hong Kong, benefiting trusts with income sources outside the territory.

Filing Obligations

Trustees must comply with Hong Kong’s Inland Revenue Ordinance. This includes submitting annual tax returns. Trustees should maintain thorough records of all transactions and trust activities.

Trustee fees must also be declared. Inaccurate declarations can lead to penalties. It's recommended to consult tax advisors to ensure proper filing. As trustees act on behalf of the trust, they shoulder the responsibility of accuracy in tax filings.

Cross-Border Tax Implications

When trusts involve beneficiaries or assets outside Hong Kong, tax implications can become complex. For example, distributions to non-resident beneficiaries may be subject to different tax regimes depending on their country of residence.

Moreover, trusts making cross-border transfers need to comply with jurisdictions' specific tax laws. Trustees must be aware of tax treaties and how they impact the trust. Legal advice is often necessary to navigate these complexities and avoid double taxation.

Uses of Trusts in Hong Kong

Trusts in Hong Kong play a vital role in various areas such as wealth management, estate planning, business succession, and charitable activities. They offer numerous benefits, including asset protection, smooth transfer of wealth, and control over business continuity.

Wealth Management

Trusts in Hong Kong are used for efficient wealth management. By placing assets in a trust, individuals can ensure that their wealth is managed prudently by professional trustees. This setup provides significant protection against creditor claims and family disputes.

Trustees can make informed decisions regarding investments and distributions, ensuring that beneficiaries receive consistent financial support. Moreover, trusts can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the settlor, offering flexibility in managing different asset classes like real estate, stocks, and bonds.

Estate Planning

Trusts are an essential component of estate planning in Hong Kong. They allow for the seamless transfer of assets to heirs, minimizing complications and delays associated with probate. By placing assets in a trust, individuals can retain control over the distribution and timing of inheritance.

This ensures that beneficiaries receive their inheritance according to the settlor's wishes, without the risk of mismanagement. Furthermore, trusts can provide for minor children or dependents with special needs, ensuring their financial security even after the settlor is no longer able to manage their affairs.

Business Succession

For business owners, trusts offer a structured way to manage business succession. By transferring business assets into a trust, the continuity of the business can be preserved beyond the lifetime of the original owner. This approach allows for a smooth transition of management and ownership to future generations or chosen successors.

Trusts can be designed to include detailed instructions on how the business should be run. This helps prevent disputes among family members and ensures that the business remains stable and operational during the transition period.

Charitable Trusts

Charitable trusts in Hong Kong enable individuals to contribute to social causes while enjoying tax benefits. These trusts are established to support charitable activities and organizations, providing a structured way to make ongoing contributions.

The settlor can specify how the charitable donations should be used, ensuring that their philanthropic goals are met. Additionally, charitable trusts can enhance the settlor's legacy by establishing lasting support for causes they care about, ensuring that their contributions have a long-term impact on the community.


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Regulatory Compliance and Oversight

Maintaining trust in Hong Kong involves strict rules and monitoring. Key focus areas include anti-money laundering and the licensing of service providers.

Anti-Money Laundering Measures

Hong Kong has stringent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations to prevent illegal financial activities. Trustees must comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (AMLO).

Key requirements include:

  • Performing customer due diligence: Verifying the identities of clients and understanding their financial activities.
  • Maintaining records: Keeping detailed records of transactions for at least five years.
  • Reporting suspicious transactions: Alerting authorities to any unusual or suspicious activities immediately.

Regular audits and training programs help trustees stay updated on AML measures. This ensures that trustees contribute to Hong Kong's reputation as a safe and reliable financial center.

Licensing of Trust or Company Service Providers

Trust or Company Service Providers (TCSPs) must obtain a license from the Companies Registry.

Key conditions for licensing include:

  • Fit and proper criteria: Evaluating the background and expertise of applicants to ensure they can manage trust services effectively.
  • Compliance with regulations: Adhering to specific operational standards and guidelines set by the Code of Practice for Trust Business.

Regular inspections and annual reviews are conducted to ensure ongoing compliance. Penalties for non-compliance can include fines or revocation of the license, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high standards in trust management.

This comprehensive oversight ensures that TCSPs operate within legal and ethical boundaries, protecting the interests of clients and the integrity of the financial system.

Trust Disputes Resolution

Resolving trust disputes often involves determining the correct jurisdiction, using mediation or arbitration to avoid court, and considering litigation as a final step.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law

Trust disputes in Hong Kong are often governed by local laws. Hong Kong's legal framework for trusts is well-established and recognized for being modern and predictable.

Choosing the right jurisdiction is crucial as it defines the applicable laws and the court that will handle the dispute. Hong Kong law is frequently chosen for its clarity and effectiveness in dealing with trust matters.

Additionally, knowing the governing law helps in navigating the complexities of trust management and resolving disputes more efficiently.

Mediation and Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are alternative dispute resolution methods gaining popularity in Hong Kong.

Mediation allows the parties to negotiate and reach a mutually acceptable solution with the help of a neutral mediator. It is often faster and less expensive than litigation.

Arbitration, on the other hand, involves a neutral arbitrator making binding decisions after hearing both sides. It is more formal than mediation but can be less adversarial than court proceedings.

Both methods emphasize confidentiality and can help maintain family relationships by avoiding the public scrutiny of a courtroom battle.


Litigation is the process of taking a dispute to court. In Hong Kong, trust litigation is handled by the High Court, which has the expertise to manage complex trust issues.

Litigation can be lengthy and expensive. However, it is sometimes the only option if mediation and arbitration fail or if the dispute involves serious allegations like fraud or undue influence.

Court decisions are public, which can impact family privacy. This makes litigation a last resort in trust disputes resolution but an essential tool when other methods are insufficient.

Comparison with Other Jurisdictions

Hong Kong stands out due to its robust market, legal framework, and international engagement. Other jurisdictions have different strengths, and understanding these distinctions can help in making informed decisions about trust placement.

Advantages of Hong Kong

Hong Kong boasts one of the world's major stock exchanges, providing a dynamic environment for financial services. Market regulation is stringent and transparent, contributing to a secure investment atmosphere. The city's anti-money laundering and anti-corruption regimes are notable, adding layers of protection for trust assets.

Further, Hong Kong actively participates in international taxation initiatives driven by the OECD. This involvement ensures that Hong Kong aligns with global standards, offering reassurance to international clients. The Trustee Ordinance and common law govern trust administration, providing a well-established legal framework. This helps in managing and establishing trusts efficiently.

Competing Trust Jurisdictions

Singapore, Jersey, and Guernsey are key competitors in the trust sector. Singapore has strict perpetuity rules, capping trust periods at 100 years. This contrasts with Hong Kong, which does not impose such limitations. However, Singapore insists on filing requirements for resident trusts, even with tax exemptions, which can add administrative complexity.

Guernsey and Jersey allow non-charitable purpose trusts, whereas Hong Kong does not, limiting flexibility in some trust structures. Furthermore, while Hong Kong permits Private Trust Companies, it remains common to establish these in other offshore jurisdictions. This practice may suggest opportunities for easier international manoeuvring outside Hong Kong.

These differences highlight that each jurisdiction offers distinct advantages and constraints, impacting the choice for trust location based on specific needs.

Future of Trusts in Hong Kong

Hong Kong's trust industry shows resilience amidst challenges. Assets under management have increased, with promising prospects for growth in the short to medium term.

Recent and planned developments are crucial to the future of trusts in Hong Kong. Amendments to the Trustee Ordinance and other regulatory changes aim to raise the standards in the industry.

Key Developments:

  • Amendments to Trustee Ordinance: Updates to the laws provide better governance and flexibility.
  • Perpetual Trusts: These allow trusts to last indefinitely, which can appeal to long-term investors.
  • Reserved Powers to Settlors: Settlors can retain powers to manage and invest trust assets.

Hong Kong remains an attractive center for trusts. The combination of strong legal frameworks and innovative policies supports this status.

The outlook is promising as more investors look for stable jurisdictions. The role of professional trustees and modern trust structures will likely expand.

Increased transparency and regulatory compliance are anticipated to drive trust industry growth. These measures enhance trustworthiness and attract more global investors.

Overall, advancements in legal frameworks and management practices position Hong Kong as a key player in the global trust landscape.

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***Please Be Aware: Due to FATCA, CRS, and CFC laws you will not be able to eliminate your taxes without moving your residence if your live in a country with these regulations. An offshore company can increase your privacy and protect your assets, however you still have tax obligations in the country where you live which are tied to your ownership of overseas entities.

Non resident companies are not taxed in the country where they are incorporated rather, you as the owner are obligated to pay taxes in the country where you reside. Please make sure you know your tax obligations as we are not tax advisors. Please seek a local tax professional in the country where you live for personal advice. 

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