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Mail Receiving and Forwarding Services

In order to complement the proper establishment of their corporate offshore identity, our clients usually like to establish an efficient mail forwarding service with both a physical address for the receipt of packages sent by courier services such as DHL and Fedex, as well as a Post Office Box for receipt of mail. For the latter we offer options in both Miami as well as Panama City.

Since most of our clients are also establishing banking and investment accounts, they need to have a physical and postal address for the receipt of bank account statements, brokerage statements, as well as correspondence from clients.

The corporation’s mail will be forwarded to you per your instructions, or it may remain at our offices for safe keeping. Courier or post mail forwarding costs will be billed to the corporation as these costs are incurred that vary according to the method and frequency in which you would like your mail forwarded to you.

Generally, sending courier packages costs around US$50, depending on what country they are sent to. Post mail costs can vary from country to country, but generally not more than around US$10 per package, depending on the weight and size.

Please contact us to design a custom tailored mail forwarding package for your needs if necessary. Our fee for corporate mail forwarding is only US$250 per year plus actual forwarding costs that will be applied to a small deposit which will vary according to the volume and frequency anticipated.


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*Note for U.S. citizens: US citizens are limited in their tax reduction possibilities due to FATCA and CFC laws. Opening an offshore company can increase privacy and asset protection, but you can not eliminate your taxes without giving up your citizenship. If you are a US citizen you are obligated to pay taxes on all worldwide income. 



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