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Offshore Protection in the Press

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Offshore Protection Reviews Methods To Protect Your Wealth


In times of economic, and political uncertainty environmental events can trigger chaos in markets, financial institutions and establishments that we all trust in for stability. If we depend on these systems for our livelihood we inevitably tie ourselves to the continuity of these systems.

While we do not need to be completely independent from their influence it is possible to reduce the threat that uncertainty brings by being prepared. There are several ways too reduce you dependence upon any institution. Here are several ways to better prepare yourself.



Second Passports and the Right to Travel During Times of Crises


The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world on its head. Entire industries are teetering on the edge of collapse along with most of the worlds global travel economy. Visa services are on hold, planes remain largely idle on runways, and virtually every other form of travel service is either shut or opened at 10% capacity.

Covid has greatly impacted peoples mobility as entire countries have restricted the movement of its citizens and imposed lockdowns with little certainty of what the future travel industry will look like. Most countries around the world have barred non-residents from entering giving travel permission only to a few selective countries. Travelers and businesses men are finding new ways to circumvent travel restrictions and finding second passport solutions to be their ticket to escape.



Offshore Protection: Why Covid-19 May Leave Assets Exposed

Digital Journal

Living in an a time of uncertainty makes future proofing your assets essential. Having a financial plan in place guarantees you will not be left unprepared for what tomorrow might bring. 

Forming an offshore protection strategy is about securing your assets for the future. Today it is easier than ever to secure that future using an overseas account. An offshore bank account gives you privacy, spreads your risk, and diversifying your assets. Offshore Protection provides the offshore strategies you need to survive tomorrow.



Have a Plan B?: The Coronavirus And The Age Of Uncertainty


Living in an a time of great uncertainty makes future proofing your assets essential. Having a Plan B in place guarantees you will not be left unprepared. Forming an offshore plan is about securing your assets. Today it is easier than ever to establish an offshore company, open a foreign account or make an investment overseas. Offshore Protection provides the tools you need to survive tomorrow.

Financial diversification is to ensure all your eggs are not held in the same basket because if the basket drops, you lose all your eggs. The simple solution is to have more than one basket. Financial diversification strategies spread your eggs across several accounts, in different currencies and overseas countries. Having your assets in a separate banking system provides a measure of security that protects against domestic bank failures, currency fluctuation and economic collapse. This offers the most secure financial solution that minimizes the risks of tomorrow.



Is it Illegal to Have an Offshore Bank Account?


Contrary to common perception opening an offshore bank account is perfectly legal. Not only is it legal but nearly 75% of all Fortune 500 companies have bank accounts in foreign offshore jurisdictions.

As long as you abide by the laws regulating the overseas bank as well as laws within your own country of residency there is no problem. The problems only start to come when you are trying to hide assets. That is illegal. Gone are the days of anonymous Swiss numbered bank accounts.

While there still can be various levels of privacy it depends on the laws in both the offshore jurisdiction and the laws in the country where you live. It’s often the illegality of the offshore industry which grabs headlines. Tax evasion, money laundering, international drug dealing headlines sell papers.



The Offshore Tax Haven is Dead. Long Live the Tax Haven


Offshore tax havens are scandalously characterized by the media in their attempt to sell newspapers and capture the public imagination. Glossy pictures of exotic Caribbean getaways, cabana hideouts, Panama hats, and greasy lawyers create the perfect scandalous narrative for magazine headlines.

The Panama Papers and other “leaks” tell tales of brazen tax evasion and illicit-wealth accumulating in offshore accounts held by the worlds rich and powerful.



Cook Islands Trust: A Comprehensive Guide to Offshore Asset Protection Trusts 

Mid Day

Cook Islands trusts offer unparalleled asset protection through its privacy laws, resistant legal framework, and debtor-friendly jurisprudence. See why the Cook Islands trusts are the world-leading jurisdiction to protect assets from creditors



Cook Islands Trust: The Best Asset Protection From Creditors & Lawsuits

Outlook India

Cook Islands trusts stand in a league of their own when it comes to protecting assets from creditors and legal threats. This remote South Pacific jurisdiction boasts some of the most stringent privacy standards, short statutes of limitation, and barriers to foreign judgements anywhere in the world. Anyone looking to fully ring-fence their assets should look no further than these ironclad trusts. When it comes to asset protection, the Cook Islands sets the new gold standard.


Cook Islands Trusts for Offshore Asset Protection

Washington City Paper

For over 30 years, the Cook Islands has been the gold standard for asset protection trusts. This remote South Pacific nation offers ironclad protection for wealth and investments that is simply unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

In today’s litigious society, if you have wealth you are one lawsuit away from financial ruin. Establishing a Cook Islands trust should be considered as part of your wealth preservation strategy, especially if you are a professional, lawyer, doctor or are in the public eye. The combination of stringent trust laws, a protective court system, and professional trustees makes the Cook Islands an unbeatable destination to safeguard assets.