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How to Set up a Company in Switzerland: A Guide

Establishing a company in Switzerland offers a strategic advantage due to the country's stable political environment, favorable tax system, and well-developed financial services. Entrepreneurs considering this venture must navigate the Swiss legal system and business regulations which are designed to ensure a transparent and reliable economic landscape. Regardless of one's business idea, understanding the different types of companies that can be set up and the associated legal requirements is critical.

Switzerland provides a variety of business structures to suit different needs, each with its own set of rules and benefits. The Swiss Limited Liability Company (GmbH) and the corporation (AG) are popular choices for small to large-sized enterprises, balancing the need for flexibility with the demand for limited liability. In addition to selecting an appropriate legal form, the business must adhere to the mandatory record-keeping practices and registration with the Swiss Commercial Register.

When initiating a business, owners must also consider the tax implications. Switzerland's federal income tax is a flat rate, yet the effective corporate tax rate can vary significantly between cantons. This variation in tax rates underscores the importance of strategic planning in selecting a location for the company's operations within Switzerland. Furthermore, social security schemes and business insurance are essential for safeguarding the business and its employees, highlighting the comprehensive nature of setting up a company in Switzerland.

If you're looking to establish a company in Switzerland and need guidance on navigating the process, Offshore Protection offers comprehensive services to assist you. Our team of experts can provide tailored solutions for company formation, tax optimization, and asset protection in Switzerland and other jurisdictions worldwide.

Understanding Swiss Business Structures

When setting up a company in Switzerland, entrepreneurs can choose from several business structures, each with its own legal, financial, and operational implications.

Sole Proprietorship

A Sole Proprietorship in Switzerland is ideal for small-scale, low-risk business activities. It does not require a formal registration if the annual revenue is less than CHF 100,000. However, for higher revenues, registration in the Commercial Register is mandatory.

General Partnership

In a General Partnership, two or more individuals join together to conduct business under a common name. Partners share unlimited, joint and several liabilities for the debts of the partnership. This structure does not require a minimum capital but must be registered in the Commercial Register.

Limited Partnership

A Limited Partnership is similar to a General Partnership, with the key difference that it includes at least one partner with unlimited liability (general partner) and one or more partners whose liability is limited to the amount of their respective contributions (limited partners).

Limited Liability Company (GmbH/Sàrl)

The Limited Liability Company, known as GmbH in German and Sàrl in French, is a popular choice for small to medium-sized enterprises. It requires a minimum capital of CHF 20,000, and the liability of the shareholders is limited to their contributions to the capital.

Joint-Stock Company (AG/SA)

The Joint-Stock Company, AG in German and SA in French, is suitable for larger businesses. It requires a minimum share capital of CHF 100,000, with shareholders' liability limited to their share capital. The AG/SA must be registered in the Commercial Register and follows strict reporting and audit requirements.

The two most popular company structures are the AG and the Swiss Gmbh

Lets go into them a bit more

Legal Forms of Business in Switzerland

When establishing a business in Switzerland, one must choose an appropriate legal form, which will define the structure and legal obligations of the entity. The two predominant legal forms are the corporation and the limited liability company.

Corporation (AG/SA)

A corporation in Switzerland is known as 'Aktiengesellschaft' (AG) in German and 'société anonyme' (SA) in French. It is a widely adopted legal form for businesses due to its structure, which separates the shareholders' assets from the company's liabilities. This means that the personal liability of the shareholders is limited to their investment in the share capital. The minimum required share capital for an AG/SA is CHF 100,000, which must be at least 20% paid up upon incorporation, with a minimum of CHF 50,000 fully paid up.

Key characteristics of an AG/SA are:

  • Legal Structure: It is considered a separate legal entity.
  • Liability: Shareholders' liability is limited to their investment.
  • Capital: Requires a minimum share capital of CHF 100,000.
  • Management: Managed by a board of directors, which must majority consist of Swiss residents or EU/EFTA nationals with Swiss work permits.

Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

A Limited Liability Company, known as 'Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung' (GmbH) in German or 'société à responsabilité limitée' (SARL) in French, is another popular legal form particularly suited for small to medium-sized enterprises. In a GmbH, members' liabilities are also limited to the amount of capital they invest into the company. The required minimum capital for a GmbH formation is CHF 20,000 and must be fully paid at the time of registration.

Distinct aspects of a GmbH include:

  • Legal Structure: The GmbH is a legal entity separate from its members.
  • Liability: Member's liability is restricted to their capital contribution.
  • Capital: Must have a minimum paid-up capital of CHF 20,000.
  • Names: Must include 'GmbH' in the company name to indicate its legal form.
  • Management: Managed by one or more directors who are natural persons, not entities, and a majority of whom should be Swiss residents or EU/EFTA citizens residing in Switzerland.

Choosing between an AG/SA and a GmbH depends on factors such as the desired level of capital investment, the number of partners involved, the preferred level of anonymity for shareholders, and the scale of operations. Each legal structure offers different advantages and requires consideration of the specific business needs and plans for growth.


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The Company Formation Process

The formation of a company in Switzerland is a structured process requiring careful documentation, compliance with financial regulations, and legal formalities. Founders must adhere to precise steps, particularly with regard to share capital, legal forms, and banking procedures.

Initial Steps and Documentation

At the outset, founders must decide on a legal form for their company which dictates the share capital requirements and the liability of the owners. The most common legal forms include the GmbH (limited liability company) and the AG (joint-stock company). Subsequently, they must draft the articles of association, which is a mandatory document detailing the company’s purpose, capital, and organization. They also need to select a unique company name and ensure it is not already in use.

  • Key documents required:
    • Proof of identity for founders
    • Articles of Association
    • Business plan
    • Evidence of initial capital

Notarization and Registration

Once the documentation is complete, the next step is notarization. Founders must notarize the articles of association and the public deed of incorporation before a Swiss notary. Notarization fees vary depending on the canton and the complexity of the documents. The company is then entered into the Commercial Register. This act officially recognizes the company as a legal entity and is necessary for it to commence business operations.

  • Steps for notarization and registration:
    • Sign the notarization documents before a notary
    • Payment of notarization fees
    • Submission of the documents to the Commercial Register

How to Set Up an Offshore Company in Switzerland for Foriegners

Setting up an offshore company in Switzerland involves a series of structured steps to ensure compliance with Swiss regulations. This clear and concise guide outlines the process.

Initial Preparation

  1. Select a unique company name.
  2. Decide on the business structure.
  3. Determine the scope of business activities.

Documentation and Legal Procedures

  • Fill out the necessary application forms.
  • Draft the Articles of Association (AOA).
  • Submit a detailed set of documents, including identification and proof of address for all directors and shareholders.


  • The company must be officially registered with the Swiss Commercial Registry.
  • Upon submission, the Registrar reviews the application and issues a Registration Certificate if all criteria are met.

Legal Obligations

  • Publish the business trade name in the Swiss Official Commercial Gazette.
  • Comply with Swiss anti-money laundering laws.
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date company records and provide annual financial statements.


  • Switzerland offers a favorable tax environment, especially for companies earning income internationally.
  • It is important for the company to understand the territorial tax system and seek expert tax advice to optimize tax liabilities.

The process requires attention to detail and strict adherence to legal requirements. Companies may benefit from consulting with local experts to navigate the complexities of the Swiss business environment.

Things to be aware of when creating a Swiss Company Formation For non-residents

Non-residents looking to establish a company in Switzerland must navigate various regulations and requirements. Here are essential considerations:

  • Legal Structure: Determine the appropriate legal form for the business. Common types include the Limited Liability Company (GmbH/Sàrl) and the Public Limited Company (AG/SA).

  • Residency Regulation: Switzerland requires at least one company director with Swiss residency. Non-residents need to appoint a local director.

  • Share Capital: Minimum share capital varies depending on the legal form. For example, a GmbH requires CHF 20,000, while an AG requires CHF 100,000.

  • Bank Account: Opening a corporate bank account with the initial capital deposit is a prerequisite. Non-residents may face additional scrutiny during the account setup.

  • Registration: Register the company with the Cantonal Commercial Registry. Detailed documentation including the company's Articles of Association is needed.

  • Permits and Visas: Non-residents must obtain a work permit. EU/EFTA citizens require a B permit for self-employment, while non-EU/EFTA nationals face stricter controls.

  • Taxation: Understand the Swiss tax structure -- federal, cantonal, and communal levels. Taxation will vary based on the company's location and legal structure.

  • Compliance: Adhere to compliance standards like bookkeeping, auditing, and annual reporting. These are stringent and vary based on company size and type.

Foreign entrepreneurs should consider local advice and support to navigate the intricacies of Swiss company formation and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Registration and Legal Formalities

When setting up a company in Switzerland, the entrepreneur must navigate a series of legal formalities including choosing a canton and registering with the commercial and trade registers. These steps are pivotal to ensure the company complies with Swiss business regulations.

Choosing a Canton

Each canton in Switzerland has its own tax rates and regulations affecting businesses. Entrepreneurs should select a canton that aligns with their strategic needs and offers favorable conditions for their specific industry. The canton where a company is headquartered will also be the jurisdiction under which it operates.

Commercial Register

Registration with the Commercial Register is mandatory for most businesses in Switzerland. This process involves submitting the Articles of Association, a document that outlines the company’s purpose, capital, and organizational structure. The registration process generates a Unique Enterprise Identification Number (UID), which is essential for business transactions and interactions with government entities.

  • Legal forms requiring registration:
    • Corporations
    • Limited liability companies
    • Partnerships
    • Sole proprietorships

Trade Register

While the Commercial Register is about the legal existence of the company, the Trade Register pertains to business activities. Companies need to register their business activities to confirm compliance with cantonal and federal regulations. Administrative Formalities might vary by canton but generally follow a similar framework across Switzerland.

Understanding Swiss Taxation

The taxation system for businesses in Switzerland is multifaceted and offers an attractive tax environment for companies. At the federal level, corporations are subject to a flat-rate corporate income tax of 8.5%. However, it's important to note that the effective tax rate may be lower due to adjustments in the taxable base, potentially bringing the rate down to approximately 7.83%

However, cantonal tax rates are variable, impacting the overall tax burden significantly. For example, the canton of Zug has one of the lowest tax rates, at 11.85%, while Bern has a higher rate, reaching 21.04%. It's important to note that tax rates are not only differentiated by canton but also by the company's profitability, with certain cantons such as Bern offering tax-free income on the first CHF 20,000 of profit.

In addition to federal taxes, companies must consider cantonal and municipal taxes, which vary significantly across Switzerland. Each canton has its autonomy in setting tax rates, leading to a diverse landscape of tax burdens.

Business founders should be aware of the Value Added Tax (VAT) obligations. Companies with an annual turnover exceeding CHF 100,000 must register for VAT. VAT returns are generally filed quarterly, and businesses must submit these within 60 days following the end of the quarter.

Below is a list outlining key tax considerations for companies in Switzerland:

  • Corporate Income Tax: 8.5% Federal rate (effective rates may be lower).
  • Cantonal/Municipal Taxes: Rates vary by location.
  • VAT Obligations: Registration for turnover > CHF 100,000.
  • VAT Reporting: Quarterly with 60-day submission deadlines post-quarter.

Business owners must diligently comply with Switzerland's tax regulations while taking advantage of the opportunities to optimize their tax position. Consulting with a tax expert is often advisable to navigate this complex landscape.

Double Taxation Agreements

Switzerland has established a broad network of double taxation agreements (DTAs) with numerous countries to prevent the issue of double taxation where income could be subject to tax in two jurisdictions. These DTAs ensure that businesses operating in Switzerland with international dealings do not pay more tax than necessary and provide clarity on tax liabilities, which can influence the decision of where to incorporate a business. The country's commitment to fair tax practices through these agreements enhances its appeal as an investment location.

By sustaining an attractive corporate taxation structure and a solid framework of DTAs, Switzerland offers businesses a substantial advantage in managing their tax burden efficiently.

Accounting and Audit Requirements

Accounting in Switzerland must adhere to either the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) or an internationally recognized standard such as IFRS or US GAAP. The specific requirements include:

  • Financial Statements: Companies must keep accurate financial records and prepare annual financial statements to give a true and fair view of their financial position.


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Audit requirements are contingent on the size of the company:

  • Large Companies: Those meeting two of the following criteria – a balance sheet total of CHF 20 million, annual sales revenue of CHF 40 million, or 250 full-time employees per annum – must undergo regular audits by licensed auditors.
  • Small Companies: If they do not meet the criteria of large companies, they may opt for a limited audit.

In addition to regular accounting and audit practices, companies in Switzerland face a corporate tax rate that varies depending on the canton in which they are based, typically ranging between 12% to 24%. This maintains Switzerland's competitive tax burden in comparison to other countries.

Financial Considerations for Startups

When setting up a company in Switzerland, founders need to address several financial considerations crucial to the business's operation and compliance with Swiss regulations. These include understanding VAT obligations, securing sufficient starting capital, selecting the right banking partner, obtaining necessary insurance, and fulfilling accounting requirements.

Opening a Business Bank Account

Founders must open a business bank account to handle transactions related to their startup. Swiss banks require the following documentation for account opening:

  • Proof of Identity: Valid identification documents for all company directors.
  • Business Registration: Documents showing the registration and legal form of the company.
  • Business Plan: A detailed description of the business, including projected financials.

Certain banks might also require minimum starting capital, which can vary based on the type of company structure chosen. The Swiss Code of Obligations stipulates the minimum capital for a GmbH (LLC) at CHF 20,000 and for an AG (corporation) at CHF 100,000.

For tax purposes, companies are required to register for Value Added Tax (VAT), provided their turnover exceeds the threshold set by the Swiss Federal Tax Administration. As of the knowledge cutoff date, this threshold is CHF 100,000. Companies registered for VAT must account for it on all their invoices and comply with the necessary reporting and payment schedules.

A startup should also consider acquiring business insurance to protect against risks. The type of insurance depends on the business activity but can include liability insurance, property insurance, and professional indemnity insurance.

Lastly, startups must comply with accounting requirements. According to the law, Swiss companies should maintain proper accounts reflecting their financial position. These accounts are subject to audit, depending on the size and nature of the company, following the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Special Regulations for Foreign Entrepreneurs

Foreign entrepreneurs face particular regulations when setting up a company in Switzerland. These regulations vary depending on the entrepreneur's nationality and residency status.

Business Ownership by Non-Residents

Non-residents from the EU/EFTA countries are generally allowed to own and operate a business in Switzerland. This includes sole proprietorships, which are businesses owned by a single individual. For non-residents, however, the process often involves additional scrutiny to ensure compliance with local labor market regulations.

For individuals who are not citizens of Switzerland or an EU/EFTA country (third-country nationals), owning a business requires a C permit. A C permit is a settlement permit that grants third-country nationals similar rights to Swiss citizens. It allows them to establish a business without significant restrictions.

Residence and Settlement Permits

To run a business in Switzerland, foreigners typically need a valid residence permit. EU/EFTA nationals may avail themselves of a straightforward path to business ownership due to bilateral agreements with Switzerland.

For third-country nationals, obtaining the necessary permits can be more complex. They must usually hold a settlement permit, such as the C permit, to start their own business. The spouse of a C permit holder or the spouse of a Swiss citizen also has the legal right to establish a business in the country.

Foreign entrepreneurs must navigate these special regulations carefully to ensure their business setup in Switzerland is successful and compliant with the local laws.

Incentives and Support for Entrepreneurs

Switzerland offers a wide range of incentives tailored to support entrepreneurs in their venture establishment and operations. These incentives include financial support, tax advantages, and resources to foster innovation and business development.

Federal and Cantonal Incentives

Entrepreneurs in Switzerland can benefit from various federal and cantonal incentives, which often come in the form of tax relief or direct funding. At the cantonal level, perks such as tax exemptions for up to 10 years can significantly lower the fiscal burden on new companies, especially in certain cantons with policies aimed at attracting businesses. Additionally, many cantons offer consulting services and infrastructure support to ease the company establishment process.

  • Tax Advantages: Favorable taxation policies, including exemptions and relief
  • Consulting Services: Guidance on business establishment and operations
  • Infrastructure Support: Provides for business needs and promotes expansion

Business Innovation Support

Switzerland's commitment to innovation is evident through the support offered by agencies like Innosuisse—the Swiss Innovation Agency—and the participation in international programs such as Eurostars.

  • Innosuisse: Provides coaching, funds, and resources to startups and projects that have a high innovation potential.
  • Venturelab: Offers training and events designed to turn scientific innovation into marketable products and services.
  • Eurostars: A joint program supporting R&D-performing SMEs which can foster international collaborative projects.

Business innovation support in Switzerland also enhances the high standard of living, ensuring that entrepreneurs have access to a resourceful and advantageous environment. Not only do they provide financial resources, but they also offer vast support services, solidifying the country’s position as a beacon of entrepreneurism.

Strategic Considerations

When establishing a company in Switzerland, entrepreneurs must carefully evaluate the country's central location in Europe and its modern infrastructure. These aspects are critical for operational efficiency and potential partnerships.

Location and Infrastructure

Switzerland's central location in Europe offers convenient access to numerous markets. Its high-quality infrastructure, encompassing transport, logistics, and IT, provides an excellent foundation for businesses.

  • Transport and Logistics: Switzerland's transport network includes extensive rail and road connections, facilitating smooth domestic and international trade.
  • IT Infrastructure: High standards of IT infrastructure ensure reliable connectivity and support for digital business operations.

Considering Swiss Partnerships

Establishing partnerships with local Swiss companies can be advantageous due to the strong reputation of Swiss businesses. Additionally, access to a well-established business banking sector is invaluable.

  • Partnership Opportunities: Collaboration with Swiss companies can open doors to local expertise, networks, and markets.
  • Business Banking: Switzerland's robust banking system is known for stability, offering diverse services tailored to business needs.

These strategic considerations lay the groundwork for a successful business venture in Switzerland.

Intellectual Property and Innovation

In Switzerland, intellectual property (IP) stands as a cornerstone for businesses, fostering innovation and growth. The nation's commitment to protecting IP is linked to its position as an innovation leader. Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) offers resources to understand and secure IP rights, which include patents, trademarks, and designs.

Establishing a company in Switzerland involves awareness of these rights. Entrepreneurs are advised to conduct a thorough IP search to avoid infringement and ensure their innovations are protected. IPI suggests patent searches worldwide to support company success, and explores innovations, creations, inventions, logos, and designs.

Swiss Innovation Agency, Innosuisse, plays a pivotal role in nurturing business innovation. It provides support, tools, and funding to startups, helping them transform ideas into marketable products and services. Coupled with this, Venturelab offers training and networking to entrepreneurs to refine their business concepts with a focus on IP management.

The participation in international programs such as Eurostars facilitates Swiss companies in collaborative R&D projects across borders, enhancing their innovative capacity.

EntityRole in IP and Innovation
IPI IP rights education and search tools
Innosuisse Funding and support for innovative projects
Venturelab Entrepreneurial training with an emphasis on IP
Eurostars International R&D collaboration platform

Businesses must choose the right legal structure and register their IP to safeguard their innovations. By doing so, they strengthen their market position, contributing to Switzerland's reputation as a hub for innovation and sustainable economic development.

Ongoing Business Operations

Once a company in Switzerland is established, it must comply with certain annual requirements and may look into options for scaling and expansion. Maintaining regulatory compliance and strategically growing the business are both essential for long-term success.

Annual Compliance Requirements

Companies in Switzerland are subject to annual compliance obligations which include financial reporting and adhering to auditing standards. Compliance varies based on the company's legal structure and size.

  • Auditing Requirements:

    • Limited Liability Companies (GmbH) and Joint-Stock Companies (AG) require an ordinary audit if they exceed two of the following thresholds in two successive business years: balance sheet total of CHF 20 million, sales of CHF 40 million, or an average of 250 full-time employees during the year.
    • Companies that do not exceed these thresholds are subject to a less comprehensive limited audit.
  • Insurance:

    • Business Insurance is a prudent step for protecting ongoing operations. Companies should carry liability insurance at a minimum and consider additional coverage based on the specific risks associated with their business activities.

Business Scaling and Expansion

Companies looking to grow need to focus on acquiring resources and managing them efficiently. Expansion can occur organically or through acquisitions and requires careful planning and implementation.

  • Human Resources:

    • Recruiting skilled employees and investing in training programs are important for supporting expansion.
    • Compliance with local employment laws and social security requirements remains crucial as headcount increases.
  • Capital Resources:

    • For scaling operations, companies may seek additional capital through various financing measures such as bank loans, venture capital, or public offerings.

Managing the ongoing operations of a business in Switzerland involves consistent adherence to legal requirements and strategic planning for growth. Companies must regularly review and align their operational practices in compliance with statutory obligations while exploring opportunities for expansion.

Closing Remarks

Setting up a company in Switzerland offers numerous benefits, thanks to its stable and strong economy. The Swiss market is characterized by a high standard of living, which is indicative of a robust consumer base with significant purchasing power. Entrepreneurs benefit from a legal system that supports business activity and provides a framework to protect their legal rights.

The Swiss labour market is another significant consideration for potential business owners. It is composed of a highly skilled and multilingual workforce, which is an asset for any company aiming to have a competitive edge in today's globalized economy.

Switzerland's commitment to maintaining a high standard of living extends into its business infrastructure and public services, ensuring that both businesses and their employees thrive. When establishing a company in Switzerland, entrepreneurs should be cognizant of these important facets:

  • Economic Environment: Leverage Switzerland's economic stability to plan long-term growth.
  • Workforce: Utilize the highly skilled labour market to build a strong foundation for your company.
  • Legal Framework: Navigate the legal aspects with clarity to safeguard your business interests.

When one weighs these factors, it's understandable why Switzerland is a favored destination for company formation. Each business venture must be approached with thorough preparation and a strategic mindset, which is essential for success in the Swiss marketplace.

Navigating the intricacies of company formation in Switzerland can be a complex endeavor. Offshore Protection offers expert guidance and comprehensive solutions to streamline the incorporation process, ensuring regulatory compliance and leveraging Switzerland's advantages for your business aspirations.

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***Please Note: If you are a resident of a country that is a signatory of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) (or a US citizen) your tax reduction possibilities are limited. Due FATCA, CRS, and CFC laws you may not be able to completely eliminate your taxes without moving your residence. While opening an offshore company can increase privacy and asset protection, your tax obligations remans tied to your ownership of overseas entities. Offshore company's are often not taxed in the country where they are incorporated, rather you as the owner are obligated to pay taxes in the country where you reside. Please make sure you know your tax obligations, as we are not tax advisors. Please seek a local tax professional for help regarding your situation. 

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